The Kehilat HaCarmel Worship Center is located on the top of Mount Carmel in northern Israel, near the city of Haifa. Built in 1998, with the help of over 500 volunteers from nearly 50 nations, it is the home for our local “one new man” Messianic congregation, Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation). The design for the building is based on 1 Kings 18 which describes how the prophet Elijah restored or “healed” (literally in Hebrew) the altar of the Lord on Mount Carmel, and called the people of Israel to return to worshipping the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Around the altar in our sanctuary are 12 stones, dug out of the bedrock under the building, representing the re-gathering of the 12 tribes back to Israel in our modern day. Over the altar is a large skylight, pointing to an “open heaven” for the fire of God to once again fall on Mount Carmel, as our sacrifices of praise and worship are offered up to Him.
Strategically placed on the highest point of Mount Carmel, the Lord has positioned the Kehilat HaCarmel Worship Center to be a “house of prayer for all nations” (Is. 56:7), where Jews and Arabs and other Gentiles from the nations join together in continued praise, prayer and prophetic proclamation, making known to the “principalities and powers of darkness the manifold wisdom of God” (Eph. 3:10).
In addition to our weekly congregational Shabbat services, multiple prayer and worship watches take place throughout the week in the sanctuary and in our Elijah Prayer Cave, (located underneath the main sanctuary). Monthly inter-congregational worship nights are also held in the Kehilat HaCarmel Worship Center. During the biblical feasts, such as Passover and Shavuot, the congregation presents musical dramas and other local outreach events in the worship center.
Throughout the year, we frequently welcome visiting prayer groups and tours from the nations who join us for special times of teaching, worship, and intercession in the Kehilat HaCarmel sanctuary.
Our meetings are on Saturday at 11am.
Congregación mesiánica con servicios con traducción en español. Juntos los sábados a las 11:00.
If you cannot join us in person, join us online for worship and prayer. (